/* Prototype-UI, version trunk * * Prototype-UI is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license. * For details, see the PrototypeUI web site: http://wwwscroll: function.prototype-ui.com/ * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if(typeof Prototype == 'undefined' || !Prototype.Version.match("1.6")) throw("Prototype-UI library require Prototype library >= 1.6.0"); if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) { Prototype.Browser.WebKitVersion = parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.match(/AppleWebKit\/([\d\.\+]*)/)[1]); Prototype.Browser.Safari2 = (Prototype.Browser.WebKitVersion < 420); } if (Prototype.Browser.IE) { Prototype.Browser.IEVersion = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split(';')[1].strip().split(' ')[1]); Prototype.Browser.IE6 = Prototype.Browser.IEVersion == 6; Prototype.Browser.IE7 = Prototype.Browser.IEVersion == 7; } Prototype.falseFunction = function() { return false }; Prototype.trueFunction = function() { return true }; /* Namespace: UI Introduction: Prototype-UI is a library of user interface components based on the Prototype framework. Its aim is to easilly improve user experience in web applications. It also provides utilities to help developers. Guideline: - Prototype conventions are followed - Everything should be unobstrusive - All components are themable with CSS stylesheets, various themes are provided Warning: Prototype-UI is still under deep development, this release is targeted to developers only. All interfaces are subjects to changes, suggestions are welcome. DO NOT use it in production for now. Authors: - Sébastien Gruhier, - Samuel Lebeau, */ var UI = { Abstract: { }, Ajax: { } }; Object.extend(Class.Methods, { extend: Object.extend.methodize(), addMethods: Class.Methods.addMethods.wrap(function(proceed, source) { // ensure we are not trying to add null or undefined if (!source) return this; // no callback, vanilla way if (!source.hasOwnProperty('methodsAdded')) return proceed(source); var callback = source.methodsAdded; delete source.methodsAdded; proceed(source); callback.call(source, this); source.methodsAdded = callback; return this; }), addMethod: function(name, lambda) { var methods = {}; methods[name] = lambda; return this.addMethods(methods); }, method: function(name) { return this.prototype[name].valueOf(); }, classMethod: function() { $A(arguments).flatten().each(function(method) { this[method] = (function() { return this[method].apply(this, arguments); }).bind(this.prototype); }, this); return this; }, // prevent any call to this method undefMethod: function(name) { this.prototype[name] = undefined; return this; }, // remove the class' own implementation of this method removeMethod: function(name) { delete this.prototype[name]; return this; }, aliasMethod: function(newName, name) { this.prototype[newName] = this.prototype[name]; return this; }, aliasMethodChain: function(target, feature) { feature = feature.camelcase(); this.aliasMethod(target+"Without"+feature, target); this.aliasMethod(target, target+"With"+feature); return this; } }); Object.extend(Number.prototype, { // Snap a number to a grid snap: function(round) { return parseInt(round == 1 ? this : (this / round).floor() * round); } }); /* Interface: String */ Object.extend(String.prototype, { camelcase: function() { var string = this.dasherize().camelize(); return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); }, /* Method: makeElement toElement is unfortunately already taken :/ Transforms html string into an extended element or null (when failed) > '
  • some text
  • '.makeElement(); // => LI href# > ''.makeElement(); // => IMG#foo (first one) Returns: Extended element */ makeElement: function() { var wrapper = new Element('div'); wrapper.innerHTML = this; return wrapper.down(); } }); Object.extend(Array.prototype, { empty: function() { return !this.length; }, extractOptions: function() { return this.last().constructor === Object ? this.pop() : { }; }, removeAt: function(index) { var object = this[index]; this.splice(index, 1); return object; }, remove: function(object) { var index; while ((index = this.indexOf(object)) != -1) this.removeAt(index); return object; }, insert: function(index) { var args = $A(arguments); args.shift(); this.splice.apply(this, [ index, 0 ].concat(args)); return this; } }); Element.addMethods({ getScrollDimensions: function(element) { return { width: element.scrollWidth, height: element.scrollHeight } }, getScrollOffset: function(element) { return Element._returnOffset(element.scrollLeft, element.scrollTop); }, setScrollOffset: function(element, offset) { element = $(element); if (arguments.length == 3) offset = { left: offset, top: arguments[2] }; element.scrollLeft = offset.left; element.scrollTop = offset.top; return element; }, // returns "clean" numerical style (without "px") or null if style can not be resolved // or is not numeric getNumStyle: function(element, style) { var value = parseFloat($(element).getStyle(style)); return isNaN(value) ? null : value; }, // by Tobie Langel (http://tobielangel.com/2007/5/22/prototype-quick-tip) appendText: function(element, text) { element = $(element); text = String.interpret(text); element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); return element; } }); document.whenReady = function(callback) { if (document.loaded) callback.call(document); else document.observe('dom:loaded', callback); }; Object.extend(document.viewport, { // Alias this method for consistency getScrollOffset: document.viewport.getScrollOffsets, setScrollOffset: function(offset) { Element.setScrollOffset(Prototype.Browser.WebKit ? document.body : document.documentElement, offset); }, getScrollDimensions: function() { return Element.getScrollDimensions(Prototype.Browser.WebKit ? document.body : document.documentElement); } }); /* Interface: UI.Options Mixin to handle *options* argument in initializer pattern. TODO: find a better example than Circle that use an imaginary Point function, this example should be used in tests too. It assumes class defines a property called *options*, containing default options values. Instances hold their own *options* property after a first call to . Example: > var Circle = Class.create(UI.Options, { > > // default options > options: { > radius: 1, > origin: Point(0, 0) > }, > > // common usage is to call setOptions in initializer > initialize: function(options) { > this.setOptions(options); > } > }); > > var circle = new Circle({ origin: Point(1, 4) }); > > circle.options > // => { radius: 1, origin: Point(1,4) } Accessors: There are builtin methods to automatically write options accessors. All those methods can take either an array of option names nor option names as arguments. Notice that those methods won't override an accessor method if already present. * creates getters * creates setters * creates both getters and setters Common usage is to invoke them on a class to create accessors for all instances of this class. Invoking those methods on a class has the same effect as invoking them on the class prototype. See for more details. Example: > // Creates getter and setter for the "radius" options of circles > Circle.optionsAccessor('radius'); > > circle.setRadius(4); > // 4 > > circle.getRadius(); > // => 4 (circle.options.radius) Inheritance support: Subclasses can refine default *options* values, after a first instance call on setOptions, *options* attribute will hold all default options values coming from the inheritance hierarchy. */ (function() { UI.Options = { methodsAdded: function(klass) { klass.classMethod($w(' setOptions allOptions optionsGetter optionsSetter optionsAccessor ')); }, // Group: Methods /* Method: setOptions Extends object's *options* property with the given object */ setOptions: function(options) { if (!this.hasOwnProperty('options')) this.options = this.allOptions(); this.options = Object.extend(this.options, options || {}); }, /* Method: allOptions Computes the complete default options hash made by reverse extending all superclasses default options. > Widget.prototype.allOptions(); */ allOptions: function() { var superclass = this.constructor.superclass, ancestor = superclass && superclass.prototype; return (ancestor && ancestor.allOptions) ? Object.extend(ancestor.allOptions(), this.options) : Object.clone(this.options); }, /* Method: optionsGetter Creates default getters for option names given as arguments. With no argument, creates getters for all option names. */ optionsGetter: function() { addOptionsAccessors(this, arguments, false); }, /* Method: optionsSetter Creates default setters for option names given as arguments. With no argument, creates setters for all option names. */ optionsSetter: function() { addOptionsAccessors(this, arguments, true); }, /* Method: optionsAccessor Creates default getters/setters for option names given as arguments. With no argument, creates accessors for all option names. */ optionsAccessor: function() { this.optionsGetter.apply(this, arguments); this.optionsSetter.apply(this, arguments); } }; // Internal function addOptionsAccessors(receiver, names, areSetters) { names = $A(names).flatten(); if (names.empty()) names = Object.keys(receiver.allOptions()); names.each(function(name) { var accessorName = (areSetters ? 'set' : 'get') + name.camelcase(); receiver[accessorName] = receiver[accessorName] || (areSetters ? // Setter function(value) { return this.options[name] = value } : // Getter function() { return this.options[name] }); }); } })(); /* Class: UI.Carousel Main class to handle a carousel of elements in a page. A carousel : * could be vertical or horizontal * works with liquid layout * is designed by CSS Assumptions: * Elements should be from the same size Example: > ... > > > ... */ UI.Carousel = Class.create(UI.Options, { // Group: Options options: { // Property: direction // Can be horizontal or vertical, horizontal by default direction : "horizontal", // Property: previousButton // Selector of previous button inside carousel element, ".previous_button" by default, // set it to false to ignore previous button previousButton : ".previous_button", // Property: nextButton // Selector of next button inside carousel element, ".next_button" by default, // set it to false to ignore next button nextButton : ".next_button", // Property: container // Selector of carousel container inside carousel element, ".container" by default, container : ".container", // Property: scrollInc // Define the maximum number of elements that gonna scroll each time, auto by default scrollInc : "auto", // Property: disabledButtonSuffix // Define the suffix classanme used when a button get disabled, to '_disabled' by default // Previous button classname will be previous_button_disabled disabledButtonSuffix : '_disabled', // Property: overButtonSuffix // Define the suffix classanme used when a button has a rollover status, '_over' by default // Previous button classname will be previous_button_over overButtonSuffix : '_over' }, /* Group: Attributes Property: element DOM element containing the carousel Property: id DOM id of the carousel's element Property: container DOM element containing the carousel's elements Property: elements Array containing the carousel's elements as DOM elements Property: previousButton DOM id of the previous button Property: nextButton DOM id of the next button Property: posAttribute Define if the positions are from left or top Property: dimAttribute Define if the dimensions are horizontal or vertical Property: elementSize Size of each element, it's an integer Property: nbVisible Number of visible elements, it's a float Property: animating Define whether the carousel is in animation or not */ /* Group: Events List of events fired by a carousel Notice: Carousel custom events are automatically namespaced in "carousel:" (see Prototype custom events). Examples: This example will observe all carousels > document.observe('carousel:scroll:ended', function(event) { > alert("Carousel with id " + event.memo.carousel.id + " has just been scrolled"); > }); This example will observe only this carousel > new UI.Carousel('horizontal_carousel').observe('scroll:ended', function(event) { > alert("Carousel with id " + event.memo.carousel.id + " has just been scrolled"); > }); Property: previousButton:enabled Fired when the previous button has just been enabled Property: previousButton:disabled Fired when the previous button has just been disabled Property: nextButton:enabled Fired when the next button has just been enabled Property: nextButton:disabled Fired when the next button has just been disabled Property: scroll:started Fired when a scroll has just started Property: scroll:ended Fired when a scroll has been done, memo.shift = number of elements scrolled, it's a float Property: sizeUpdated Fired when the carousel size has just been updated. Tips: memo.carousel.currentSize() = the new carousel size */ // Group: Constructor /* Method: initialize Constructor function, should not be called directly Parameters: element - DOM element options - (Hash) list of optional parameters Returns: this */ initialize: function(element, options) { this.setOptions(options); this.element = $(element); this.id = this.element.id; this.container = this.element.down(this.options.container).firstDescendant(); this.elements = this.container.childElements(); this.previousButton = this.options.previousButton == false ? null : this.element.down(this.options.previousButton); this.nextButton = this.options.nextButton == false ? null : this.element.down(this.options.nextButton); this.posAttribute = (this.options.direction == "horizontal" ? "left" : "top"); this.dimAttribute = (this.options.direction == "horizontal" ? "width" : "height"); this.elementSize = this.computeElementSize(); this.nbVisible = this.currentSize() / this.elementSize; var scrollInc = this.options.scrollInc; if (scrollInc == "auto") scrollInc = Math.floor(this.nbVisible); [ this.previousButton, this.nextButton ].each(function(button) { if (!button) return; var className = (button == this.nextButton ? "next_button" : "previous_button") + this.options.overButtonSuffix; button.clickHandler = this.scroll.bind(this, (button == this.nextButton ? -1 : 1) * scrollInc * this.elementSize); button.observe("click", button.clickHandler) .observe("mouseover", function() {button.addClassName(className)}.bind(this)) .observe("mouseout", function() {button.removeClassName(className)}.bind(this)); }, this); this.updateButtons(); }, // Group: Destructor /* Method: destroy Cleans up DOM and memory */ destroy: function($super) { [ this.previousButton, this.nextButton ].each(function(button) { if (!button) return; button.stopObserving("click", button.clickHandler); }, this); this.element.remove(); this.fire('destroyed'); }, // Group: Event handling /* Method: fire Fires a carousel custom event automatically namespaced in "carousel:" (see Prototype custom events). The memo object contains a "carousel" property referring to the carousel. Example: > document.observe('carousel:scroll:ended', function(event) { > alert("Carousel with id " + event.memo.carousel.id + " has just been scrolled"); > }); Parameters: eventName - an event name memo - a memo object Returns: fired event */ fire: function(eventName, memo) { memo = memo || { }; memo.carousel = this; return this.element.fire('carousel:' + eventName, memo); }, /* Method: observe Observe a carousel event with a handler function automatically bound to the carousel Parameters: eventName - an event name handler - a handler function Returns: this */ observe: function(eventName, handler) { this.element.observe('carousel:' + eventName, handler.bind(this)); return this; }, /* Method: stopObserving Unregisters a carousel event, it must take the same parameters as this.observe (see Prototype stopObserving). Parameters: eventName - an event name handler - a handler function Returns: this */ stopObserving: function(eventName, handler) { this.element.stopObserving('carousel:' + eventName, handler); return this; }, // Group: Actions /* Method: checkScroll Check scroll position to avoid unused space at right or bottom Parameters: position - position to check updatePosition - should the container position be updated ? true/false Returns: position */ checkScroll: function(position, updatePosition) { if (position > 0) position = 0; else { var limit = this.elements.last().positionedOffset()[this.posAttribute] + this.elementSize; var carouselSize = this.currentSize(); if (position + limit < carouselSize) position += carouselSize - (position + limit); position = Math.min(position, 0); } if (updatePosition) this.container.style[this.posAttribute] = position + "px"; return position; }, /* Method: scroll Scrolls carousel from maximum deltaPixel Parameters: deltaPixel - a float Returns: this */ scroll: function(deltaPixel) { if (this.animating) return this; // Compute new position var position = this.currentPosition() + deltaPixel; // Check bounds position = this.checkScroll(position, false); // Compute shift to apply deltaPixel = position - this.currentPosition(); if (deltaPixel != 0) { this.animating = true; this.fire("scroll:started"); var that = this; // Move effects this.container.morph("opacity:0.5", {duration: 0.2, afterFinish: function() { that.container.morph(that.posAttribute + ": " + position + "px", { duration: 0.4, delay: 0.2, afterFinish: function() { that.container.morph("opacity:1", { duration: 0.2, afterFinish: function() { that.animating = false; that.updateButtons() .fire("scroll:ended", { shift: deltaPixel / that.currentSize() }); } }); } }); }}); } return this; }, /* Method: scrollTo Scrolls carousel, so that element with specified index is the left-most. This method is convenient when using carousel in a tabbed navigation. Clicking on first tab should scroll first container into view, clicking on a fifth - fifth one, etc. Indexing starts with 0. Parameters: Index of an element which will be a left-most visible in the carousel Returns: this */ scrollTo: function(index) { if (this.animating || index < 0 || index > this.elements.length || index == this.currentIndex() || isNaN(parseInt(index))) return this; return this.scroll((this.currentIndex() - index) * this.elementSize); }, /* Method: updateButtons Update buttons status to enabled or disabled Them status is defined by classNames and fired as carousel's custom events Returns: this */ updateButtons: function() { this.updatePreviousButton(); this.updateNextButton(); return this; }, updatePreviousButton: function() { var position = this.currentPosition(); var previousClassName = "previous_button" + this.options.disabledButtonSuffix; if (this.previousButton.hasClassName(previousClassName) && position != 0) { this.previousButton.removeClassName(previousClassName); this.fire('previousButton:enabled'); } if (!this.previousButton.hasClassName(previousClassName) && position == 0) { this.previousButton.addClassName(previousClassName); this.fire('previousButton:disabled'); } }, updateNextButton: function() { var lastPosition = this.currentLastPosition(); var size = this.currentSize(); var nextClassName = "next_button" + this.options.disabledButtonSuffix; if (this.nextButton.hasClassName(nextClassName) && lastPosition != size) { this.nextButton.removeClassName(nextClassName); this.fire('nextButton:enabled'); } if (!this.nextButton.hasClassName(nextClassName) && lastPosition == size) { this.nextButton.addClassName(nextClassName); this.fire('nextButton:disabled'); } }, // Group: Size and Position /* Method: computeElementSize Return elements size in pixel, height or width depends on carousel orientation. Returns: an integer value */ computeElementSize: function() { return this.elements.first().getDimensions()[this.dimAttribute]; }, /* Method: currentIndex Returns current visible index of a carousel. For example, a horizontal carousel with image #3 on left will return 3 and with half of image #3 will return 3.5 Don't forget that the first image have an index 0 Returns: a float value */ currentIndex: function() { return - this.currentPosition() / this.elementSize; }, /* Method: currentLastPosition Returns the current position from the end of the last element. This value is in pixel. Returns: an integer value, if no images a present it will return 0 */ currentLastPosition: function() { if (this.container.childElements().empty()) return 0; return this.currentPosition() + this.elements.last().positionedOffset()[this.posAttribute] + this.elementSize; }, /* Method: currentPosition Returns the current position in pixel. Tips: To get the position in elements use currentIndex() Returns: an integer value */ currentPosition: function() { return this.container.getNumStyle(this.posAttribute); }, /* Method: currentSize Returns the current size of the carousel in pixel Returns: Carousel's size in pixel */ currentSize: function() { return this.container.parentNode.getDimensions()[this.dimAttribute]; }, /* Method: updateSize Should be called if carousel size has been changed (usually called with a liquid layout) Returns: this */ updateSize: function() { this.nbVisible = this.currentSize() / this.elementSize; var scrollInc = this.options.scrollInc; if (scrollInc == "auto") scrollInc = Math.floor(this.nbVisible); [ this.previousButton, this.nextButton ].each(function(button) { if (!button) return; button.stopObserving("click", button.clickHandler); button.clickHandler = this.scroll.bind(this, (button == this.nextButton ? -1 : 1) * scrollInc * this.elementSize); button.observe("click", button.clickHandler); }, this); this.checkScroll(this.currentPosition(), true); this.updateButtons().fire('sizeUpdated'); return this; } }); /* Class: UI.Ajax.Carousel Gives the AJAX power to carousels. An AJAX carousel : * Use AJAX to add new elements on the fly Example: > new UI.Ajax.Carousel("horizontal_carousel", > {url: "get-more-elements", elementSize: 250}); */ UI.Ajax.Carousel = Class.create(UI.Carousel, { // Group: Options // // Notice: // It also include of all carousel's options options: { // Property: elementSize // Required, it define the size of all elements elementSize : -1, // Property: url // Required, it define the URL used by AJAX carousel to request new elements details url : null }, /* Group: Attributes Notice: It also include of all carousel's attributes Property: elementSize Size of each elements, it's an integer Property: endIndex Index of the last loaded element Property: hasMore Flag to define if there's still more elements to load Property: requestRunning Define whether a request is processing or not Property: updateHandler Callback to update carousel, usually used after request success Property: url URL used to request additional elements */ /* Group: Events List of events fired by an AJAX carousel, it also include of all carousel's custom events Property: request:started Fired when the request has just started Property: request:ended Fired when the request has succeed */ // Group: Constructor /* Method: initialize Constructor function, should not be called directly Parameters: element - DOM element options - (Hash) list of optional parameters Returns: this */ initialize: function($super, element, options) { if (!options.url) throw("url option is required for UI.Ajax.Carousel"); if (!options.elementSize) throw("elementSize option is required for UI.Ajax.Carousel"); $super(element, options); this.endIndex = 0; this.hasMore = true; // Cache handlers this.updateHandler = this.update.bind(this); this.updateAndScrollHandler = function(nbElements, transport, json) { this.update(transport, json); this.scroll(nbElements); }.bind(this); // Run first ajax request to fill the carousel this.runRequest.bind(this).defer({parameters: {from: 0, to: Math.ceil(this.nbVisible) - 1}, onSuccess: this.updateHandler}); }, // Group: Actions /* Method: runRequest Request the new elements details Parameters: options - (Hash) list of optional parameters Returns: this */ runRequest: function(options) { this.requestRunning = true; new Ajax.Request(this.options.url, Object.extend({method: "GET"}, options)); this.fire("request:started"); return this; }, /* Method: scroll Scrolls carousel from maximum deltaPixel Parameters: deltaPixel - a float Returns: this */ scroll: function($super, deltaPixel) { if (this.animating || this.requestRunning) return this; var nbElements = (-deltaPixel) / this.elementSize; // Check if there is not enough if (this.hasMore && nbElements > 0 && this.currentIndex() + this.nbVisible + nbElements - 1 > this.endIndex) { var from = this.endIndex + 1; var to = Math.ceil(from + this.nbVisible - 1); this.runRequest({parameters: {from: from, to: to}, onSuccess: this.updateAndScrollHandler.curry(deltaPixel).bind(this)}); return this; } else $super(deltaPixel); }, /* Method: update Update the carousel Parameters: transport - XMLHttpRequest object json - JSON object Returns: this */ update: function(transport, json) { this.requestRunning = false; this.fire("request:ended"); if (!json) json = transport.responseJSON; this.hasMore = json.more; this.endIndex = Math.max(this.endIndex, json.to); this.elements = this.container.insert({bottom: json.html}).childElements(); return this.updateButtons(); }, // Group: Size and Position /* Method: computeElementSize Return elements size in pixel Returns: an integer value */ computeElementSize: function() { return this.options.elementSize; }, /* Method: updateSize Should be called if carousel size has been changed (usually called with a liquid layout) Returns: this */ updateSize: function($super) { var nbVisible = this.nbVisible; $super(); // If we have enough space for at least a new element if (Math.floor(this.nbVisible) - Math.floor(nbVisible) >= 1 && this.hasMore) { if (this.currentIndex() + Math.floor(this.nbVisible) >= this.endIndex) { var nbNew = Math.floor(this.currentIndex() + Math.floor(this.nbVisible) - this.endIndex); this.runRequest({parameters: {from: this.endIndex + 1, to: this.endIndex + nbNew}, onSuccess: this.updateHandler}); } } return this; }, updateNextButton: function($super) { var lastPosition = this.currentLastPosition(); var size = this.currentSize(); var nextClassName = "next_button" + this.options.disabledButtonSuffix; if (this.nextButton.hasClassName(nextClassName) && lastPosition != size) { this.nextButton.removeClassName(nextClassName); this.fire('nextButton:enabled'); } if (!this.nextButton.hasClassName(nextClassName) && lastPosition == size && !this.hasMore) { this.nextButton.addClassName(nextClassName); this.fire('nextButton:disabled'); } } });